E3 2015: 12 Biggest Moments From Sony's PlayStation Conference

8. Seeing Star Wars: Battlefront In Action

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaXv6CY2oqY Pretty much every part of the new Star Wars Battlefront looked like a lightsaber-scorched love letter to fans of the original trilogy, and now that we've seen the iconic battles of Hoth and Tatooine in action, it's safe to say 2015 is the year the franchise makes a massive positive return. Using a really neat technological trick called 'Photogrammetry' it's allowed the team to photograph real-world props and locations from the movies, scan them into the game and build the render models on top, resulting in a pretty jaw-dropping graphical knockout when in motion. X-Wings and TIE fighters battle it out just above ground level, hulking AT-STs advance forward and all manner of those Star Wars sound effects back the whole thing - it's glorious. The icing on the cake was finding out that although the game is definitely multiplayer focussed, you can play offline after all in a wave-based survival mode - pretty much the opposite of what was said back during the initial announcement. Whether this mode will be similar to Evolve's lonely-feeling 'single player' remains to be seen, but right now everything on display is simply beautiful to watch.
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Sony E3 2015
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