E3 2015: 12 Biggest Moments From Sony's PlayStation Conference

9. Shenmue III Is Kickstarted Into Being

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gDHPIF3N0A So here's a weird one; Shenmue. The name will either make you go all warm n' fuzzy inside with nostalgia and a burning passion to see the second game's story completed - or you quite literally only know it by name. Such an association comes when two legendary games are reconciled to a dead console, but that didn't stop Sony grabbing creator Yu Suzuki to promote his Kickstarter for the third (and presumably final) instalment in the series. Wait, what? They just promoted a Kickstarter on stage, with no footage? Yup, pretty much. It was definitely a strange "For the fans!"-type ploy, and for some it'll have worked wonders - but regardless of anything right now there's nothing to be seen and only the vaguest sense of how it's going to play, all resting on a franchise a lot of the 'PlayStation family' don't associate with anyway.
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Sony E3 2015
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