Fallout 4 Trailer: 11 WTF Moments

6. It's All In-Engine Footage

Gamers have become pretty jaded over the last year or two in particular given how few video game trailers actually feature proper gameplay footage anymore, or even actual in-engine video. It's all about glossy CGI trailers which have no bearing on the final product (looking at you here, Assassin's Creed). And so, while Fallout 4 doesn't unambiguously show off actual gameplay footage, HUD and all, it's pretty clear from the visuals and general style of the trailer that it's going to be extremely close to how the final product plays. Sure, the graphics may be a little underwhelming, but there's also a confident feeling that this approximates the experience that gamers will be enjoying whenever the game finally comes out. These sorts of trailers are becoming increasingly scarce, so as other developers have to suffer abuse for their "downgrading" and misrepresentation, it's at least somewhat refreshing to see a game showing off its engine rather than footage farmed out to a render house somewhere.
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Fallout 4
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.