Fallout 76: 10 New Gameplay Details You Need To Know
5. C.A.M.P. Is The New Base Building System

The rumours and leaks leading up to Bethesda's E3 conference all indicated that base building would be back in a big way in Fallout 76, a fact which was doubled down on during the event itself.
Listening to feedback following the system's introduction in the fourth title, the new C.A.M.P. workshop has completely overhauled the way players will be able to craft settlements, set up defences and create a version of the wasteland that suits them best.
The scope for player expression and customisation has been expanded on massively, allowing players to add their own finishing touches to settlements rather than simply make do with the tools they've been given.
C.A.M.P. is optimised to allow players to quickly, well, build their own camps around the world, being able to craft portable bases on the fly that can act as safe zones while on your adventure. It sounds far more robust than Fallout 4's system, and hopefully won't be anywhere near as wonky.