Google Stadia: 10 Questions We Need Answering ASAP

5. How Will Couch Co-Op Work?

Google Stadia

Google were proud to talk about couch co-op in its GDC keynote, saying it's bringing the feature back to the forefront. However, it didn't really mention how that would work.

Most games nowadays don't support couch co-op, so Stadia's lauded feature will probably be a future functionality built into its exclusives and some third-party games. There's no way it can retroactively add couch co-op into existing third-party games, so this seems like an odd feature to spend so much time on, especially when none of the functionality was really new or exciting.

The demo showcased different people playing the same game in varying roles. It was an odd, not very impressive demo that begged the question: Why? It doesn't seem like gamers really care that much about couch co-op in 2019. Sure it's a nice additive, but that's just it: An additive that was discussed in a keynote for 10 minutes.


Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.