Injustice 2: 19 Best Character Abilities You Must Unlock

1. Line In The Sand & Deadly Birdarang - Robin

Injustice 2 Robin

How Do I Get It? Line in the Sand is a level 10 unlock, with Deadly Birdarang behind level 20.

What Does It Do? Robin's moveset and combination of abilities are some of the slowest-burning in the game. Once you get the hang of what connects to what though, he's a phenomenal fighter.

Line in the Sand then, literally sees the Boy Wonder mark out a 'zone' on the floor with his sword, which if crossed by your opponent makes them take damage AND lose super meter. It's perfect as a "No, you come to ME" scenario if you're up against a character with zero projectile attacks, but just watch out - it deactivates if Robin walks over it.

Second is the Deadly Birdarang; a fairly simple-sounding exploding projectile that fires straight. However, meter burn when releasing, and Robin will throw three birdarangs that target high, middle and low simultaneously, being nigh-on unblockable in the process.

Both can save your skin online, and are perfect additions to an already solid moveset.


Which abilities have you unlocked and loved? Let us know in the comments!

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