Mass Effect Andromeda: 9 Exciting New Rumours You Need To Know

7. Man in N7 Armour Is Ryder's Father (And You Inherit The Armour Later On)

Mass Effect Andromeda

It has already been confirmed that the narrator in the newest Initiative trailer is Ryder's father, but not much else has been made clear regarding Papa Ryder's role in the narrative. If he's someone who helps make the Andromeda trip possible, then maybe the trip happens long after he's gone. Other possibilities could be that he joins up with Ryder and friends, but perhaps is lost along the way.

The voice would certainly indicate a much older character, as well as someone who is both well-versed in the world and good with firearms (regarding his pistol in the above picture). If he IS lost along the way, it's likely that whichever Ryder you pick will get the chance to don the armor and live on in his memory.

Likelihood of being true: 7/10. The action shots shown with the figure in the N7 armour seem to be showing a younger, more agile soldier, so this could be after Ryder has "inherited" the armor already. It remains unclear, as the limited marketing certainly confirms the presence of the father, but whether or not he's physically present remains to be seen. Regardless, players of the original trilogy will certainly hope to don the N7 armour once again, as it remains a Mass Effect tradition.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.