Mass Effect: Andromeda Trailer Breakdown: Everything We Know So Far
10. The Alien Life

As mentioned in the introduction, each Ark holds a species from the Milky Way galaxy, and that's likely to be the four council races - Human, Turian, Asari, and Salarian - all of which are confirmed to be making an appearance in the game. Interestingly, trailers and screenshots for Andromeda have also shown a Krogan character, although it is possible that this character is part of the Nexus' crew as a means of getting to the Andromeda galaxy.
Another species that looks to be returning from the original Mass Effect trilogy is the Yahg, a species that hail from a world called Parnack. Described as a primitive and pre-spaceflight race, its unlikely that the Yahg came to Andromeda with the other races. The only known Yahg seen in the original trilogy was in Mass Effect 2's Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC - the Shadow Broker himself was one of this hulking pain houses.

The newest alien species (seen above) to be introduced in Andromeda are known to be to main antagonists of the game, and all we know at the moment is that they're called Kett.