Minecraft: 10 Genuinely Mind-Blowing Machines Fans Have Created

2. A 1KB Hard Drive

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7clz1TPK8o Building a computer in Minecraft is impressive. Building a data storage system which can actually hold real-world data is something else. But that€™s exactly what Corey Littley, a Computer Science PhD student from Michigan, created in the virtual world. Sure, the hard drive he made is only 1 kilobyte in size €“ barely enough to store a single text file, let alone any images or videos. But it€™s the principle of the thing that matters, because even thinking about building something like this would give the average person a splitting headache. It€™s another creation which illustrates just how wonderfully inventive we humans can be. Again, I€™m not going to try and explain how it works because I haven€™t got the foggiest €“ apart from it uses translucent and opaque blocks to differentiate between binary switches €“ but it can actually read a file which is up to a kilobyte in size (although you€™d have to enter each byte manually), store it within the mainframe, and then retrieve the file to write it somewhere else. Like a real hard drive does. Bigger files need bigger hard drives, but unfortunately Minecraft€™s render distance limits how big the machine can be - so don€™t get rid of your old hard drives just yet.
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