Nintendo Switch: 8 Major Positives Nobody Is Talking About

1. 720/1080p Visuals Are More Than Enough

legend of zelda breath of the wild

"Style over substance" is one of the oldest adages in the book, a testament to the idea of - in video games - not being wowed by fancy graphics and 4k resolutions, and to look at gameplay itself.

To that end, there's literally no need to get worked up about the sort of 'increased graphical fidelity' a PS4 Pro or Xbox Scorpio can provide. Focusing on background detail or a couple of dropped frames was never why we game, and was never the core reason as to why you'd recommend something, either.

If it was, The Order 1886 would be one of the industry's finest efforts, and Super Mario Bros. would be discarded immediately.

The Switch's infrastructure can 'only handle' 720p in portable mode and 1080p when docked, but it's more than enough. I'll give you that frame rate hiccups in Breath of the Wild can be distracting, but this avenue we've gone down where "more horsepower is better" feels like some offshoot from the 'PC Master Race' mentality that needs to be neutralised immediately.


How have you found the Switch, its functionality and the cultural response? Let us know in the comments!

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