Nintendo Switch Reviews: 12 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

11. It Is A Clear Product Of Compromise

Nintendo Switch
"The Switch is a beguiling, flawed piece of hardware that isn’t like any other gaming system I’ve owned. It executes its main idea well enough that its shortcomings are alternately forgivable and all the more frustrating... I predict the Switch will make a great many people happy, and a great many people angry. It is a Nintendo product, after all." - Kotaku
"The Switch is a console sandwiched between a bar of success lowered by the disaster of the Wii U and the considerable ground Nintendo must make up." - Polygon

The one single word that appeared in more reviews than anything else was "compromise". Many critics feel that the console isn't merely a compromise between the design philosophies of the home and handheld markets, but also in terms of controls, technical capabilities, and an evident, desperate desire to keep the price down while offering experiences that can compete with what Sony and Microsoft have to offer.

The prevailing verdict is that these compromises are often frustrating from a consumer point of view, even though on a pure tech level the Switch is mostly agreed to be an impressive and innovative piece of kit, all the more so once the price drops a little.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.