Ranking Every Boss Battle In Spyro: Reignited Trilogy
7. Spike
Several players have noted that aspects for Reignited have had their difficulty spikes sanded down slightly so as not to impale players as much. Ironically, nowhere is this more noticeable than in the battle with Spike.
Though he’s another henchman turned monster, his design is much more successfully scary than Buzz. The eyes, especially, sell the menace of this creature without losing that cartoonish, Spyro feel. His gun seems to have shrunk a little since 2000 though. Must be all those steroids he took to beef up for Reignited.
Though he seems to have gotten easier (and in doing so, lost some of his charm), Spike still provides something of a challenge. Especially when compared to those before him on this list. But if you’ve fought the Metropolis Ox in Spyro 2, you’ll be used to configuring your aim to take Spike out quickly. The most frustrating part depends on your shots; if you rush, you’ll miss more than you hit and the battle will drag on and on. However, if you go too slowly, Spike will take out all of your projectiles. You need to find a balance.
We do at least see variation here, which makes him a fitting mid point.