Ranking Summer 2016's Video Games From Worst To Best

7. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood & Wine (DLC)

The Witcher 3 blood and wine
CD Projekt RED

Normally a DLC wouldn't be classed as its own 'game of the summer', but when said DLC is as feature-complete and content-packed as Blood & Wine, it simply can't be ignored.

Simply put, CD Projekt RED are on the form of their career, and after patching in a ton of free missions and items for the main game, have crafted an entire separate area for B&W. It's one whose size dwarfs many other full-price games, has an enthralling murder mystery narrative to unpack, andis just.absolutely.gorgeous.

See, the district of Toussaint is said to be the richest of the land in every respect, ostensibly setting it up to be some dark fantasy take on a fairytale kingdom. If you're already familiar with The Witcher 3 and how CDPR like to upend expectations at every turn, just know that the story of Blood & Wine is very much a beautiful rose with quite the number of razor sharp thorns.

It's continually staggering to compare the amount of effort CDPR put into their titles with that of the competition, but know this: as a body of work, The Witcher 3 is still the greatest achievement on this generation of consoles by a substantially large margin.

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