Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Leaked Gameplay Details You Need To Know
3. GTA V's First-Person Mode Is Back
Once Rockstar realised they could design a first-person mode that was not only functional in GTA, but actually preferred for some players, they were off to the races.
2017's PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds also incorporates this hybrid switching style, and it'll be returning again in Red Dead. As Minecraft players can attest, riding a horse in first-person is a tad obfuscating, but hey... why not. Rockstar have apparently mentioned they've coded a number of "bespoke animations" specifically for the first-person perspective, that should make it all click.
Things like lassoing cattle, engaging in bar room shootouts and thwacking cowboys about the face with well-placed haymakers can't not feel fun in first-person, after all.
Also, remember Dead Eye? Popping bandits between the eyes in slow-motion will feel even more badass.