Red Dead Redemption 2: 8 Reasons You Should Be Worried 

4. Other Open World Games Mean Rockstar Can't Get Complacent

Red Dead Redemption 2 Morgan

Back when the original Red Dead Redemption (or hell, even 2013's GTA V) hit shelves, Rockstar were uncontested as the biggest open world devs in town. With no other series coming close to matching the polish or the quality of the studio's brand of sandbox gameplay, they had no real competition that could have dethroned them when their previous games released.

The world has changed since then though, and open world games have become the bread and butter of the industry. These days Rockstar aren't the only studio pioneering the evolution of the genre, with brilliant titles like The Witcher 3, MGS V and Horizon: Zero Dawn paving the way for brand new sandbox experiences.

Obviously Red Dead Redemption 2 will still be a mammoth success when it releases, but to have the same staying power as the original it needs to bring something new to the table. The features that made the previous title so enjoyable have become commonplace in the intervening years, and Rockstar can no longer take for granted its position as the head of the table when it comes to open world games.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3