Skyrim: 16 Best Mods Of All Time

4. Immersion - Frostfall

skyrim frostfall

Skyrim is a cold place, what with all the snow, icicles and frost-breathing dragons. So for those wanting a realistic challenge to survive in such a harsh environment, Frostfall is the mod for you.

Starting off you'll notice a new HUD bar displaying your character's body temperature, and keeping an eye on this is essential for keeping your character alive in the wintery Northern wilds. You can pile plenty of warm firs on your character to keep him going but even that might not be enough if you take a dip in freezing water.

Thankful the mod add extra survival tools, including the ability to cut firewood from nearby trees and build fires to warm you back up. The mod will also let you know where the best places are to set up camp and pitch a tent, as well as the current weather conditions so you can prepare for a blizzard in plenty of time.

Sleep and food are also essential parts of keeping you alive in the frosty climes, all to make your experience in the game ever more immersive and engaging, particularly if you're looking for a decent challenge when re-rolling.

Runners Up:

Realistic Needs and Diseases - Skyrim turns Tamagotchi as you must maintain your character's health and wellbeing while adventuring.

Wet and Cold - A great companion to Frostfall, this mod adds thick cloaks, hoods and snow shoes, as well as graphical effects for rain and snow on clothes.

Skyrim Coin Replacer - You will no longer find the standard gold everywhere you go, but instead Dumacs in Dwemer ruins and Haralds in Nordic tombs.


A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!