Skyrim: 16 Best Mods Of All Time

3. Weapon - Unique Uniques

skyrim frostfall

As with armour, there is no shortage of some amazing looking weapons. Orcish weapons look harsh and guttural, elvish weapons are suitably elegant, and the daedric collection looks utterly demonic particularly with the glowing red highlights.

The problem is when it comes to the so-called "special weapons" they're your standard swords and axes with a fancy name and enchantment, which you can get from any enchanting table. And while there is a good number of unique weaponry for the main and guild quests, the rewards suffer when completing the side missions

Enter InsanitySorrow's Unique Uniques, a mod that replaces the copy-and-pasted rewards for the side quests, as well as certain swords the player could find laying around in tombs, into something worth your time to earn.

Dragonsbane has turned from your standard Blades' sword into a straight-bladed katana with a dragon's head pommel. Once an orcish warhammer, the Longhammer has become suitably long and particularly deadly. And Windshear has become a fully fledged pirate cutlass as opposed to a steel scimitar. Above is a picture of the new Pale Blade, which is certainly in improvement from the standard Ancient Nord Sword.

And all weapons are beautifully crafted, lore friendly and certainly a more worth-while reward for trudging through a dangerous tomb.

Runners Up:

Magicka Sabers - Royalty free lightsabers, craftable to the colour of your choice!

Hrothmund's Axe - PS4 owners rejoyce! A weapon mod featuring a new powerful axe taken from a previously-static in-game model.

The Stamford - Another gorgeous sword by InsanitySorrow, the Stamford is a simple blade but built to an absurdly high standard.


A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!