Skyrim: 16 Best Mods Of All Time

5. Graphics - Static Mesh Improvement

skyrim frostfall

Skyrim is an amazing looking game. It's environments are stunning and it's towns/cities feel alive with activity. However, the graphics themselves have started to show their age, as most games eventually do. And with every generation that goes by those stunning environments will look more blocky.

That's where the Static Mesh Improvement mod comes in. This takes the basic static models, i.e. houses, rocks, bridges, etc. and smooths out all the rough edges, increasing the polygon count to a point that it could almost look like a game released today.

Just looking at the effort that's been put into the texture on the ropes and wooden beams shows how far game graphics have come.

By comparing and contrasting with the vanilla models, Skyrim almost looks primitive by comparison. And by combining this with some ultra-high-res texture packs, it could rival the graphics of any game of the last few years.

Runners Up:

Superb ENB-RL - Processor intensive but if you want your game to look utterly glorious, this is an absolute must.

Realistic Water Two - Replaces the rivers, lakes and puddles of Skyrim with uncannily lifelike water.

ULG Tool - Popularly known as Potato Mode, the Ultra Low Graphics Tool makes Skyrim playable on low-end PCs.


A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!