Sony Japan Studio: 28 Best Games They Helped Create

21. Siren

sony japan studio

Developed by: Project Siren

After creating the iconic first Silent Hill game for Konami, key members (including writer/director Keiichiro Toyama) set up shop within Japan Studio as Project Siren. For a project, uh...called Siren.

Released on the PS2, the initial game was a tense, doom-laden horror game set in a rural Japanese town filled with possessed psychopaths.

It was an original spin on the genre at the time, as it prioritized stealth over action or puzzles.

The chilling concept of 'sight-jacking' lets gamers see what your stalkers are seeing - this would lead to pants wetting scenarios when you realized they were creeping right behind and you were helpless to escape.

It was a decent enough hit that lead to a solid sequel, as well as a superior remake, named Siren: Blood Curse, released for the PS3. That re-imagining smoothed down the rough-edged gameplay of the original, and improved on the story as well.

Most importantly with Siren though, it announced that Japan Studio now had two major in-house studios (along with Team Ico), making diverse and stand-out native content.

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is a freelance writer that loves ingesting TV shows, Video Games, Comics, and all walks of Movies, from schmaltzy Oscar bait to Kung-Fu cult cinema...actually, more the latter really.