4. More Basic Abilities - Dive-Rolls, Vehicle-Stealing Etc.
Class-specific stuff is one thing, but your standard animations and abilities are as basic as they come. It's literally just a case of running and shooting. There aren't any dive-rolls, vehicle-stealing, healing-boosts or any implementation of a cover system to survive gunfights. You could argue this is to get across the idea of you just being 'one more soldier' contributing to a slowly heaving war effort, but at the end of the day, many of these things were in past Battlefront games. It's possible they're locked away behind upgrade walls or points to unlock, but even if that is the case - why have a tactic as basic as evading fire put behind a tier? There's nothing wrong with appealing to the masses (this is Star Wars, after all), but in doing so you should honour the legacy of the Battlefront series by at least starting from where they left off.