The Division Reviews: 8 Early Reactions You Need To Know

2. It Doesn't Look To Have Been Play-Tested Very Thoroughly

It never takes very long for gamers to find ways to annoy each other in an online environment, but something that Ubisoft sadly didn't catch in the pre-release was having an opening, mandatory area be blockable by simply standing in a doorway. Although it makes for hilarious viewing, such a simple thing getting headlines or any attention whatsoever on launch day points to a level of failing to catch bugs that's just... well, it's just so Ubisoft. User jincent claimed on Reddit that they "Got stuck between two chairs", whilst Salium123 added "Played 2 hours fell through the world 2 times. 10/10 great game." Such things are inevitable to some degree, and for every negative comment there were a good thirty more saying things were going very smoothly. Thankfully we're not looking at a situation reminiscent of Batman: Arkham Knight's disastrous PC port, but it is worth knowing that The Division is falling into the ever-expanding bracket of titles that launch with bugs, rather than the one or two (here's looking at you, Rocket League) that are playable no matter what.
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