10 Albums That End On A Cliffhanger

4. The Wall - Pink Floyd

Every other rock opera that has come out since the '80s owes a debt of gratitude to The Wall by Pink Floyd. While far from being the first rock opera, Roger Waters' vision for Pink perfected the idea of a storyline in rock music as we know it today, taking the fundamentals of rock and making them as palatable as possible for the mainstream. That doesn't that Pink necessarily gets a happy ending to tie things together.

In fact, for those technical aficionados, Pink might not even have an ending at all. As far as the ending to this mammoth rock opera is concerned, there really isn't one, with Outside the Wall appearing as a bit of sound design after the judge in the Trial commands everyone to tear down the wall. Though the album could have ended right there, there's a moment at the tail end of the record that says a lot more than most are willing to admit to themselves.

Just before the record fully ends, you hear a faint voice in the background saying "Isn't This?." While meaningless on its own, it starts to make sense when you play the record over again and hear "where we came in" at the outset, showing how Pink recognizes the cycle he's put himself in. Even after going through this existential Hell on this album, it seems that Pink is only condemned to repeat his mistakes for the rest of time.

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Pink Floyd
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