10 Amazing Hard Rock Music Videos

8. Fell In Love With A Girl - The White Stripes

The whole allure of the White Stripes has always been centered around minimalism. With just a guitar, a few effects pedals, and a drum set, Jack and Meg White were always determined to explore just how much they could shake the world with the bare essentials of rock music. Once the big labels finally came calling, it was only fitting that their breakout song followed the same mindset.

Working with the same format of minimalism, director Michel Gondry made the song an all-consuming experience, with one of the most effective use of LEGOs before the company started talking to Chris Pratt. The song was already a garage rock assault on the senses, but the way that the sped-up animation of Jack and Meg leap off the screen makes the entire 2 minutes feel like an absolute sugar rush.

Right when you think you're being treated to a little kid playing with his toys, those innocent building blocks become more abrasive than anything you could have ever imagined. Just like the song, the animation has you waiting until the final second before finally coming to rest as the last guitar chord rings out. This song might just be a few blocks and a hard rock riff, but when it comes to keeping the audience engaged, that's really all the Stripes needed.


I'm just a junkie for all things media. Whether it's music, movies, TV, or just other reviews, I absolutely adore this stuff. But music was my first love, and I love having the opportunity to share it with you good people. Follow Me On Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/timcoffman97