10 Amazing Things You Didn't Know About Gerard Way

4. He Once Played Peter Pan


In My Chemical Romance's awesome documentary Life On The Murder Scene, Way admitted that he once played Peter Pan during a school production.

Not only that, but he was the only male who actually auditioned for the role, as Pan is commonly played by women in order to achieve a younger, more boyish look while still capitalizing on an older performer.
"I just kind of opened my mouth and was able to sing. My grandma was really excited about it. I wasn't so excited about it, and I guess I just wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. Then after I got the part, I was just kind of stuck doing it. I kind of wanted to escape my old elementary school, so of course it's a great idea to play f**king Peter Pan your first year in a new school."
It's clear that this early love of drama has manifested itself throughout Way's musical career. Aside from all the obvious theatricality within My Chemical Romance, even Way's solo career has huge elements of exaggerated performance. From his newly adopted 'costume' (consisting of a blue suit and red tie) to his mascot Lola who appears in music videos, promotional art and even has her own Twitter account, to the music video for No Shows which is set in a fictional intergalactic music show, Way's penchant for drama may have started relatively small, but it's only gotten bigger. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsDSIEq7O08

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.