10 Bands That Got Over Losing A Lead Singer

8. Pantera

Pantera's music really feels like it's made to scare off the uninitiated in metal circles. While you might be able to expose people to the genre through the likes of Black Sabbath or even Def Leppard, the meaty riffs of Dimebag Darrell have been known to strike just as much fear into the hearts of millions as they are devoted followers. And tying it all together was the towering, menacing....Terry Glaze.

Yeah, before we got down with the Cowboys From Hell that we knew and loved, the Abbott Brothers originally started Pantera when they were in their teens, with Glaze at the front as the typical pinup rockstar. The drastic difference between the early days and something like Vulgar Display of Power is almost night and day, with 'Diamond' Darrell shredding Van Halen-wannabe leads before the group was even old enough to drink.

Once the thrash bug got ahold of em though, something started to change, with Darrell's riffs adopting a groovier swagger that didn't fit well with Glaze's tenor. Drafting in Phil Anselmo, everything just clicked afterward, with the music finally having the ultra low baritone that pushed everything over the edge. Despite having the capacity to give Poison a run for their money on their best day, the new look for Pantera was a lot more, in their own words, f*cking hostile.

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