10 Bands That Got Over Losing A Lead Singer

6. Genesis

As rock started to grow into its non-blues skin, the era of prog rock truly started to show its colors. Outside of the amazing sounds of Yes and Pink Floyd, Genesis had an ace in the hole with Peter Gabriel, who seemed just as concerned with the lavish outfits he would wear onstage as he was the intense tempo shifts happening underneath the surface. Then the '80s happened, and the drummer stepped up to the plate.

Itching to go out on his own after the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, Gabriel left to pursue a solo career, leaving Tony Banks and Mike Rutherford struggling for a new singer. After one failed attempt after another of a new frontman coming in and out, drummer Phil Collins stepped up to the plate and delivered some powerhouse performances across albums like Trick of the Tail and Duke, all while keeping up the manic drumming style that made him a hero for young prog skinsmen.

Granted, this usually comes at a price for most rock fans, who typically blame Collins for leading the band down more pop-centric roads on albums like Invisible Touch and We Can't Dance. Then again, when you have the chops to pull off a vocal switchup this effectively, you've pretty much earned the right to do whatever the hell you want.

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