10 Bands That Only Ever Released One Good Album

7. Out Of Step - Minor Threat (1983)

If you're not quite feeling the morning workout during these winter months, then Minor Threat is the band to turn to. This will get you out of bed and pumping iron like no ones business.

The early hardcore scene was defined by short-lived groups, who constantly swapped out musicians or reformed under new names. Minor Threat was no different. Headed by Ian MacKaye, the group only released one full album and a stream of EPs. Their song, Straight Edge, became the unofficial guidebook for other bands who sort to espouse abstinence as a form of rebellion. But, their debut record became a seminal sound in the wider hardcore scene.

In 21 minutes and 36 seconds these guys all but defined the movement. If you're into your music trivia, most likely you've come across the name Ian MacKaye before. Along with his friend, the legendary Black Flag frontman, Henry Rollins, they ripped up the hardcore scene by channeling their aggression through a microphone.

Although the band broke up shortly after this album was released, Ian MacKaye went on to create his own label and form several other hardcore groups, most notably, Fugazi.

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Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.