10 Best Concept Albums

4. Tommy - The Who

tommy Tommy, sometimes called the first Rock Opera, tells the tale of a young boy named.... well, Tommy. At a very young age, Tommy sees his father murder someone in cold blood. Traumatized, he becomes deaf, dumb, and blind. His parents try an assortment of treatments, though none work. Eventually they learn his disability is psychosomatic rather than physical, and (somehow) when a mirror is smashed in front of him he regains his senses. He becomes a public sensation and takes advantage of this to become a beloved guru. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's also a pinball wizard. I was getting around to that. The album was a huge success upon its release in 1969, and was followed by a film adaption in 1975, which starred all the Who along with Eric Claption, Jack Nicholson, and Elton John as the Pinball Wizard (quickly displaced by Tommy). Track Listing: Another double album, so bear with me.... 1. Overture 2. It's A Boy! 3. 1921 4. Amazing Journey 5. Sparks 6. The Hawker 7. Christmas 8. Cousin Kevin 9. The Acid Queen 10. Underture Disc Two 1. Do You Think It's Alright? 2. Fiddle About 3. Pinball Wizard 4. There's a Doctor 5. Go To the Mirror! 6. Tommy Can You Hear Me? 7. Smash the Mirror 8. Sensation 9. Miracle Cure 10. Sally Simpson 11. I'm Free 12. Welcome 13. Tommy's Holiday Camp 14. We're Not Gonna Take It
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Armed with a laptop, a Pepsi, and a swivel chair, J.D. sets out to uncover the deepest secrets of the film world. Or, ya know, just write random movie-related lists. Either way....