10 Best Dave Grohl Drum Tracks

7 . Foo Fighters - "Everlong"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBG7P-K-r1Y One of the lead singles, and arguably Foo Fighters most famous song, from 1997's The Colour and the Shape, Everlong is the first Foo Fighters track on the list. A fan favourite and the last song to be played at any Foo Fighters gig, it is one of Grohl's proudest achievements. Released in 1997, this song changed Foos from being "that guy from Nirvana's band" to their own entity and it frequently finds itself on best of lists from publications and polls everywhere. Grohl not only came up with the instantly recognisable intro and guitar part, but also the fast and furious drum sections that go alongside. The song sees Dave heading back to his punk and speed roots with a machine gun like rhythm on the hi-hat. It also sees the flourishing fill where Dave pulls a 'Hawaii five 0' and hit every drum on the kit before crashing the cymbals. It's a favourite of any Foo Fighters fan to cover on drums (YouTube is littered with them) and it's not hard to see why; it's easily one of the most defining drum performances of Dave's career.

James Davidson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.