10 Best Debut Rock Albums Of The 1980s

7. Holy Diver - Dio

Ronnie James Dio was one of the several thousand people who have been lead singer for Black Sabbath, leaving the group in 1982 to start a new band. The end result was Dio, a project he graciously named after himself, and their debut album came out the following year.

Holy Diver might be best known for its title track, but there are some other gems on there too. Rainbow in the Dark is a much-beloved track from this era, and songs like Caught in the Middle and Shame on the Night often slip under the radar.

Ronnie had one of the best voices in all of metal, and it really carries this album. The hooks are catchy too and the rest of the band is on point. But can we talk about the song Holy Diver now, please?

How good is this? From the moment the iconic riff kicks in, this song does not let up. Dio's fantastical lyrics transport you to a world of magic and ancient warriors, all while you bop along to the beat.

Seriously, this album could have just been the title track 11 times and we'd have still put it on the list.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.