10 Best Eminem Music Videos

7. My Name Is

As Eminem's record label debut - both track and video - that would be aired during primetime TV and indoctrinated into the mainstream, this video should receive its due diligence due to that the fact that it set the precedent for the melodic madness that was to come from the now 15-time Grammy-winning artist. Instead, we're going to rave about it simply because it still remains one of the most unabashedly comedic music videos ever made - even if the version most people know was overtly tainted with the not so explicit lyrics.

Back in 1999, no one in the world had seen anything quite like it on their TV sets before. Sure, you had some provocative videos courtesy of Marilyn Manson, raunchy videos courtesy of Bad Boy Entertainment, and even some profound rebelliousness from Korn, Nirvana, and RATM.

But never had we seen a teenage rapper chastising his own mother for her lack of, well, ****.

He even went as far as to aim much higher, satirising massive public figures like then US president - Bill Clinton - in the most vulgar of manners. Instantly providing us with the proclamation which stated that Eminem, frankly, did not give a s*it about having manners himself.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com