10 Best Grunge Bands Of All Time

8. Stone Temple Pilots

At the start of the decade, grunge had many fans by the throat and music execs were scrambling to find the next big band from the scene. While many bands from Seattle were making waves at this time, the darlings of the MTV grunge era were Stone Temple Pilots out of California.

With their impressive debut Core, the band had all the makings of a great grunge band, with meaty riffs across the board and the hypnotic baritone of Scott Weiland. While you would think that this band would be poised for greatness from the start, the original Seattle scene were not too pleased with these outsiders. Though the songs may have been fantastic, a lot of true grunge fans tended to shun STP as wannabes, with even bands like Pearl Jam acknowledging their indifference towards them.

Instead of resting on their laurels and fading into obscurity, STP persevered and created some of the most eclectic grunge of the day on albums like Purple, which boasted some of their most hard rocking material. Even after grunge had faded, the band successfully distanced themselves from the scene with albums like Tiny Music... At this point, the band must continue on without Scott Weiland, but their run in their heyday still remains unmatched in modern rock.

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