10 Best Halloween Songs From The Last 10 Years

3. Lana Del Rey - Gods & Monsters

taylor swift I did something bad

Spookiest Line: I was an angel/living in the Garden of Eden

Lana Del Rey's voice is so ethereal it seems perfect for any occasion you can think of. The crackling nostalgia to it suits Christmas, the warmth of her sepia toned vocals suits spring and summer, while the haunting sorrow she can embody fits Halloween like a black velvet glove.

As well as a voice for all seasons, Rey has a pen full of poison. Though she has had some hopeful songs in her career, themes of loss and sadness are never far from Lana Del Rey's track listing. While others have gone darker than Gods & Monsters, with Born To Die and Dark Paradise unflinching in the hopelessness of their lyrics, none have suited Halloween better.

The images of fire, evil, demons and monsters bring to mind a hellish landscape, with this slow burner perfect for when the evening starts to settle down. While the metaphor embraces Halloween hellscapes, the song itself is actually about the lack of creative control in the music industry. Lana, and the likes of Jim Morrison, are just living in their land of gods and monsters, wandering aimlessly.

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Taylor Swift
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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)