10 Best Hard Rock Music Videos Of The 2000s

5. Danger! High Voltage - Electric Six (2003)

Electric Six sent currents of excited madness through the music scene in the early 2000s when they released the shockingly humourous but exhilaratingly catchy singles Gay Bar and Danger! High Voltage. Both singles were accompanied by refreshingly tongue-in-cheek but outrageously naughty music videos.

But, the video for Danger! High Voltage was particularly stand out. The song was full of sex-charged innuendos and the video was just as jam-packed. With frantically glowing electrified bras and cod pieces, and a rather well endowed moose, who doesn't look back at this without remembering how outrageous it seemed at the time?

The aptly named Dick Valentine gave a disturbing performances as some kind of sex-crazed member of the landed gentry, with a sleazy moustache, tweed jacket, cravat and a glowing package. It all amounted to a video you just couldn't take your eyes off, however disturbing.

This was one of those music videos that you instantly turned off if your parents were in the house, but if they were out, you watched every second with an intrigued and disturbed attention to detail.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.