10 Best Jack White Moments

8. The Detroit Poem

Back in 2008, Jack wanted to get a few things off of his chest. His move from Detroit to Nashville two years earlier and the widely publicised animosity within Detroit's music scene in general had led to widespread belief that he harboured a great deal of hostility towards the city and its musical community; a perception that was not entirely helped by the Associated Press quoting him as stating "I couldn't breathe in that scene." Jack later said that he wanted to express his strong feelings about the city he grew up in. But rather than taking to the internet or the tabloids to make these known, he wrote a very personal poem titled 'Courageous Dream's Concern', for his hometown, which was later published in the city's local newspaper; Detroit Free Press. Certainly beats a vague sentiment on Twitter. You can read the Detroit Free Press article (and the poem) on freep.com.
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Jack White
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Stephanie is a writer and free spirit who likes to pretend she's a Londoner, though strictly speaking she's from Watford. She likes books, music, elephants, and hairspray.