10 Best Rock Album Closers Of The 2020s (So Far)

5. Sleep Paralysis - Nova Twins (Supernova)

Some bands fall victim to the hype train, as expectations become so high for an upcoming release that they are impossible to meet.

London-based duo Nova Twins could have suffered this fate, as their first album, Who Are the Girls?, was very well received. Did this cause them to choke? Nope. The exact opposite.

Two years later, in 2022, Amy Love and Georgia South put out Supernova and it blew everyone away. Another Mercury Prize nominee, the record was praised for its incorporation of multiple genres, its powerful, noise-focused songwriting, and for busting stereotypes about women of colour in rock music.

Not that those stereotypes should have existed in the first place, but sadly they did.

Supernova comes to a head with a song called Sleep Paralysis, which is just as terrifying as the phenomenon it's named after. The women take turns on vocal duties, inviting listeners to step into their nightmare and warning them that they will never escape.

Whilst it borders on the camp, Nova Twins do such a great job of keeping things genuinely frightening. Make sure you sleep with the lights on after listening to this one.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.