10 Best Rock Music Album Covers Of The 1990s

8. Blood Sugar Sex Magik - Red Hot Chili Peppers

Do you sometimes feel like you don't have a partner?

Well good news! Red Hot Chili Peppers have just the album for you.

The funk-rocking, stage jumping gang from the Golden State put out their first 90s album in 1991, taking their first steps towards dominating the decade.

Blood Sugar Sex Magik might have sent spelling nerds into a spiral, but it gave music nerds plenty of good stuff. Give It Away, Under the Bridge, and Suck My Kiss were among some of the great songs that helped this record sell seven million copies in the US.

The creation of its captivating front cover was overseen by Gus Van Sant, the Academy Award-nominated director of Good Will Hunting and Milk. It depicts the four Chilis facing each other with their tongues out, surrounded by roses and the name of the band and album.

What does it mean? Who knows and, quite frankly, who cares?

It looks awesome; the sharp contrast between the monochrome faces and the red flowers is very appealing and the whole picture captures the chilled out, yet wacky vibe of the songs to come.

A great cover for a great album.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.