10 Best Rock Music Album Covers Of The 1990s

7. Live Through This - Hole

Unfortunately, the release of Hole's second album Live Through This will always be grimly associated with the death of Kurt Cobain.

The Nirvana frontman died just one week before its release in April 1994. Cobain was married to Hole's lead singer Courtney Love.

The tragic news made it difficult for fans at the time to appreciate how good Live Through This was. The band had cleaned up their sound from their previous work and delivered several very good tracks that would become staples of their catalogue.

Its album cover is also a sight to behold. Its a photograph of model Leilani Bishop being crowned the winner of a beauty pageant, mascara running down her face as she sheds tears of joy.

This photo could be read in two different way. It could be a symbol of the elation felt by a woman when she is finally accepted by mainstream society, or it could depict the pain that a woman goes through to be seen as beautiful in the eyes of others.

However you see it, there's no denying that its a powerful image.

Could we have done without Love having a go at Olivia Rodrigo for "copying" its design? Probably.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.