10 Best Rock Music Collaborations Of The 1980s

8. Meat Loaf & Cher - Dead Ringer For Love

In 1981, two artists who had had considerable chart success in the 1970s teamed up to show everyone that they were still going strong.

Operatic whirlwind Meat Loaf and everyone's favourite camp icon Cher put together an unapologetic love letter to rock n' roll's past in the form of the ludicrously fun Dead Ringer for Love.

With Jim Steinman's trademark bombastic production techniques behind it, Dead Ringer for Love suited both artists to a tee, as they gave it their all to bring this tale of sleazy love to life.

All the hallmarks of a good Meat Loaf song are here; the wailing guitars; the sing-a-long chorus; the dubious morality. Cher more than keeps up with her partner, matching his ferocity note for note. She also helped to write the song but, naturally, she went uncredited. The '80s was not a great time to be a woman in the music industry. Perhaps this is why the Believe singer has never performed the song live. Meat Loaf trotted it out loads of times, but the godmother of glam never did.

At least we'll always have the music video, which is ace.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.