10 Best Rock Music Collaborations Of The 1980s

7. Phil Collins & Philip Bailey - Easy Lover

It feels strange to include one of the lead singers from Earth, Wind & Fire on a list of rock songs, but there's no denying that Easy Lover from 1984 goes hard.

Former Genesis frontman and songwriter Phil Collins was hired by Bailey to produce his album Chinese Wall and ended up on the record itself. These two stars from opposing worlds came together in spectacular fashion to produce the gloriously over-the-top Easy Lover.

Acting as a warning about a woman who is not everything she appears to be, Easy Lover features both men at the very top of their singing game. Collins' bassier, gravellier tones compliment Bailey's high falsetto, as they unleash their full power over the top of a raging pop rock backing track.

The song was a massive hit all over the world, selling millions of copies and making both Phils even more rich than they already were.

There's nothing deep about Easy Lover; no complex subtext to wrap your head around or socio-political stance to get behind. It's just good, simple fun, and sometimes that's all a rock song needs to be.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.