10 Best Songs Under 2 Mins

8. Quick and to the Pointless - Queens of the Stone Age

Length: 1:42

Queens of the Stone Age are typically one of the first bands brought up when talking about stoner rock. No matter which QOTSA album you pick up, you can pretty much count on songs with long drawn-out riffs that would great to get...let's say "herbally influenced" by. Most of the band's catalog may sound sludgy, but band leader Josh Homme was still born and bred in the tradition of punk rock.

Coming right in the middle of the band's first mainstream breakthrough Rated R, "Quick and to the Pointless" shows Homme passing vocal duties over to bassist Nick Oliveri, who sounds like an absolute serial killer on this track. Granted, the lyrics are pretty questionable considering Oliveri's fixation on a young girl, but the demented nature of the track pretty much confirms that the band knows how twisted this scenario really is.

With Homme having just a fistful of power chords, the song feels like a primal release of anger, which the band would pull off again with "Six Shooter" on their opus Songs for the Deaf. This track certainly lives up to its title on being quick, but when it comes to balancing dynamics, this song is far from being meaningless.

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