10 Biggest WTF Moments In 2010s Rock

5. Kings Of Leon’s Bad Day

A lot of things can stop a concert. Equipment failure, a rowdy crowd, bad weather, the list of potential reasons goes on and one. However, did anybody have "avalanche of bird poo" on their gig stoppage bingo cards?

Kings of Leon certainly didn't.

Whilst performing in St. Louis, Missouri in July 2010, the Southern rockers disturbed a large infestation of pigeons nesting in the roof of the venue. Clearly not fans of Sex on Fire, the birds took to the skies, bombarding the stage with their faeces in the process.

The band decided that these were less than optimal playing conditions and called the event off. Honestly, these rock stars, such divas!

Drummer Nathan Followill took to Twitter to address the situation, saying that conditions were too unsanitary for them to continue. He also said that one of the pigeons pooed directly into a fellow member's mouth, which is one of the worst things to happen to anyone ever.

In the grand scheme of things, when you've got the likes of Axl Rose ending shows early for no real reason, getting dumped on by a bunch of angry birds is a pretty good reason to bail on a concert.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.