10 Biggest WTF Moments In 2010s Rock

4. Queensryche Get Bombed

A few months after Kings of Leon got hit by bird dropping bombs, heavy metal group Queensryche were getting attacked by actual bombs.

The band were outspoken supporters of the US military and, to repay the favour to the guys and gals in uniform, played a series of shows at military bases in Iraq in late 2010.

A nice idea, but one that gets a little complicated when you remember that military bases are usually located in active warzones. Sure enough, whilst the band were out in Iraq, the base they were staying at got attacked.

According to one interview, singer Geoff Tate was minding his own business eating a yoghurt when a mortar fell a hundred yards in front of him.

"It was amazingly powerful and scared the hell out of me," said Tate, giving perhaps the greatest understatement of the 21st Century thus far.

Thankfully, all members of Queensryche survived the attack and nobody was seriously injured.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.