10 Biggest WTF Moments In '80s Rock Music

1. Basically Anything G. G. Allin Did

G. G. Allin... oh dear.

This punk rock hellraiser got off to an incredible start when he was given the name Jesus Christ Allin at birth. This is because his father was apparently "visited" by the messiah and told that his son would be a great man.

Again, oh dear.

Allin's troubled upbringing translated into an absolutely wild musical career that was way more notable for the things he did on stage than for the stuff he produced in a studio.

To go through every mad thing he did whilst performing would take forever and would probably land us in jail, so let's do a brief summary.

After taking a bunch of laxatives before a show, he pooped himself live onstage. This apparently incited a riot, which encouraged Allin to regularly incorporate defecating into his act.

He was arrested multiple times, often ended up in hospital, and would make regular death threats to both his audience and himself!

All in all, G. G. Allin was not a very stable (or particularly pleasant) individual. He lived a trouble life and that reflected in his work, but his unbelievable antics in the 1980s assured that his memory will live on forever.

For better or worse.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.