10 Bizarrely Specific Music Genres You Won't Believe Actually Exist

2. Danger Music

Careful before you click that play button; danger music is based on the concept that some music can harm either the listener or performer. An experimental form of avant-garde 20th and 21st century music, the unadulterated noise is definitely for the acquired taste, and performances are almost always canceled before they can be performed.

Audiences attending danger music shows are made to sign a waiver to prevent the band or venue being sued when they're doing things like driving bulldozers through the stage, using sounds so loud they deafen the audience and throw antipersonnel bombs into the crowd. The danger can also be metaphorical, for example, composer Takehisa Kogusi directs a performer to gouge out their eyes five years from now, and another artist, Nam June Paik, directs a performer to "creep into the vagina of a living whale". What this all means, we really don't know. It's dangerous though, apparently.

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