10 Bizarrely Specific Music Genres You Won't Believe Actually Exist

4. Splittercore

You're not having a brain haemorrhage, this is actually "music". A horrific form of modern techno, this sub-genre of speedcore rarely drops below 600 beats per minute. The result? Full tracks that sound like ear-bleeding audio glitches mixed with a pounding migraine in an amusement arcade. To add context, the majority of electro music hits at around 120-150 BPM; so it goes without saying if you listen to this loud enough you may just pop an internal organ.

If you're absolutely dying for more torture to your temples, be sure to check out extratone; tracks that reach 1000 BPM - a somewhat masochistic form of techno that can only be described as a wavering wall of static noise. The kind of music Chuck Norris uses as a lullaby.

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