10 Bold Predictions For Heavy Metal In 2018

6. London’s Progressive Scene Will Reach New Heights

Exist Immortal, Brutai, Abhorrent Decimation, Sleep Token, Bad Sign, Vodun, Harbinger, A Trust Unclean, Haken, SikTh… all these names and more are under-heard yet masterful bands that are currently pumping out some of the best experimental rock/metal in the entire world.

All of them hail from London.

For years now, the UK’s capital has been a hotbed for heavy, progressive music, silently pumping out trailblazer after trailblazer. And with the vast majority of the bands listed above either hot off a brand new album or expected to drop one in 2018, now has truly never been a better time to wrap your head around this ever-expanding and truly amazing scene.

Unlike other city-based or nationwide aural phenomena, London’s progressive underground is one that transcends subgenre, ideology and approach. While Temples on Mars and Brutai pump out melodic hard rock anthems wrapped in a lovingly techy sheen, Abhorrent Decimation are a full-on death metal extravaganza complete with gorgeously symphonic interludes. Nordic Giants are a visually enrapturing post-rock duo of talented instrumentalists, and Haken have the intelligent and lengthy lunacy of Dream Theater and Rush.

It may be a cliché, but there’s truly something for everybody in London’s indomitable prog rock movement; it’s only a matter of time before it overflows into more popular pastures.

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I write for Metal Hammer, Prog and WhatCulture. I don’t have Facebook or Twitter, so you’ll just have to call me a stupid cuck to my face.