10 Bold Predictions For Heavy Metal In 2018

5. People Will Be Less Mean To Machine Head

So, apparently it’s cool to hate Machine Head now?

It seems that, after Robb Flynn’s very public take-down of ex-Pantera frontman Phil Anselmo alongside such politically-charged tracks as “Is There Anybody Out There?” and “Bastards”, people have taken a very loud affinity to calling the band “SJW cucks” and other ineffective, benign epithets. Their change in style from progressive groove metal to more diverse waters has not helped this phenomenon either.

However, all of this is merely building to Machine Head’s upcoming ninth album, Catharsis. At time of writing, three singles have been released from it – “Beyond the Pale”, “Catharsis” and “Bastards” – and the record has not even seen the light of day yet.

So, writing as someone that has listened to and reviewed Catharsis, can everyone calm the f*ck down, please? The album is actually fan-bloody-tastic, boasting 75 minutes of groove metal that mostly sticks to hard riffs, taut rhythms and gloriously loud vocals. For some reason, Machine Head have decided to release the album’s three most oddball tracks as singles, keeping the grooving brilliance of such cuts as “Screaming at the Sun”, “Heavy Lies the Crown” and “Hope Begets Hope” under wraps for the time being.

Once Catharsis actually hits shelves on 26th January, it’s a safe bet that a great deal of the hate that people apparently harbour for Robb Flynn and co. will dissipate, leaving behind only a solid album filled with exciting and adventurous moments.

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I write for Metal Hammer, Prog and WhatCulture. I don’t have Facebook or Twitter, so you’ll just have to call me a stupid cuck to my face.