10 Bold Predictions For Heavy Metal In 2018

4. The Year Of Black Metal

2016 was the year of traditional thrash making its riotous comeback. With such veterans as Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax, Death Angel, Testament and Annihilator all releasing long-awaited and hugely successful records, it was a span that was dominated by rejuvenated speed metal antics.

2017 was the year of traditional, East Coast death metal returning to the fold. We got albums from Cannibal Corpse, Immolation, Obituary and Suffocation just to name a few, all of which dropped to critical acclaim and huge enthusiasm for fans.

2018 looks ready to follow suit, this time bringing with it a slew of huge black metal albums. We’re less than a month in and already we have monumental releases from Watain and the Swedish Shining to bash out at our leisure. Soon joining the despondent duology, however, is a list as long as your arm. We already have confirmed albums like Drudkh’s Їм часто сниться капіж, Harakiri for the Sky’s Arson, Bleeding Gods’ Dodekathlon, Tribulation’s Down Below and Susperia’s The Lyricist. And that’s not even mentioning the rumoured discs set to come from such giants as Behemoth and Immortal.

Overall, 2018 is going to be a dark, dark year in the best possible way. It’s going to be twelve months of heavy growls, crushing guitars and incessant drumming that will be nothing short of glorious.

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I write for Metal Hammer, Prog and WhatCulture. I don’t have Facebook or Twitter, so you’ll just have to call me a stupid cuck to my face.