10 Cheesiest Glam Metal Songs Ever Written

7. The Darkness - Love Is Only A Feeling

The Darkness

If The Darkness were a serious band, this song would be much higher on this list, but due to their self-aware nature, it's fitting to go easy on this one.

Coming from their most popular release Permission to Land, the song is a giant greasy smudge on an otherwise great album. The lyrics are so cringe-worthy that even getting through the first verse is a herculean task.

From the opening lines, the track feels uneasy, with the sickly-sweet and gushy nature being fired at full force from the outset, and continuing throughout the song.

The songs lyrics are not helped in the slightest by Justin Hawkins and his high-pitched voice.

What makes this song even more unbearable is the unintentional hypocrisy it brings to the album, first they’re telling us that they believe in a thing called love, and now they’re telling us it’s only a feeling? Seriously guys, is love a good thing or a bad thing? Make up your minds.

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WhatCulture contributor with a love of heavy metal and horror.